Как многие игроки, хотя бы немного знающие английский, успели заметить, в процессе загрузки игры случайным образом выдаются забавные сообщения от разработчиков, компании Ascaron. В этой статье мы собрали полную коллекцию всех записей, а также благодаря сайту www.sacredwiki.org, мы выяснили, что среди случайных сообщений закрались некоторые строчки из коротких поэм...
Случайные сообщения:
Even if you're eaten by a dragon, you still have two ways out.
I know what you did last summer...
Please wait... Loading T-Energy...
Positioning GPS satellites... please stand by...
The volume goes to eleven!
The game will start when it is ready and not before!
You are the weakest link, goodbye!
Remember Sacred1 bug #4624...
Guru meditation...
/* You are not expected to understand this */
Computer load this, computer load that, never a thank you... Rude gamers!
Now that's what I call a dead parrot
Loading errors, please wait...
Reset your char to level 1. There are too many high-level chars online...
Your soundcard sucks, disabling sound forever...
Meditating on the meaning of life...
Relax, it's only ones and zeros!
Planet 'Bob'?! Can't we just call it 'Earth'?
No, this is not a silly message.
We're not mental or anything, so don't be afraid...
Welcome to Sacred2 30-days trial... hehe... Just kidding!
I still know what you did last summer...
How sweet to be an idiot...
I don't have time to bleed!
Please stand by for an important announcement.
Cut off his head, I need another ashtray... (комикс 'The Order of the Stick'?)
Your computer is running... You better go chase it.
That'll do pig. That'll do.
I hate cold ashtrays... (комикс 'The Order of the Stick'?)
Kiss me, I'm an enchanted cactus!
I don't need no teenage queen, I just want my seraphim!
Searching for adult filter...
Help! Your keyboard is stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...
Drawing beards onto your photographs...
Did you know that by reading this message you have wasted 5 seconds of your life?
Press any key... No! Not that one!
The 'No dieing' sign is now on... Please plan accordingly...
Do not include , use instead!
97 bottles of beer... Aaah, you know the rest...
To the Petercopter!
PI is exactly 3!
Freedom for wolves, ban the shepherds!
Reverting to Sacred1...
Refilling wyvern pass water bottle... (Основной квест первой части игры Sacred, запомнившийся всем багнутостью, из-за которой невозможно было пройти игру...)
Your computer is now an official part of our world domination plan. Thank you!
Awaiting starting bribe...
So long, and thanks for all the goblins...
There's nothing to see here, go ahead...
Funny bugreport #13882: Missing effects after stroking down the wand! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
Evaluation of capabilities indicates a distinct tactical deficiency.
I don't care what you did last summer!
Ohh... I am loading too slowly? Ok, next time you'll load it yourself!
Ere I am J.H.
We're against individual mounts! Signed: the horses of Ancaria.
Load 'Sacred2',8,1...
Searching for available information on dragons - Connecting to Wikipedia...
Roses are red, violets are blue, this message could rhyme, but it doesn't...
All the doors in Ancaria have been programmed to have a cheery disposition. (Цитата из книги 'Автостопом по Галактике', автора Douglas Adams)
Warning: Don't try this at home!
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Checking hard disk capacity... Sorry, disk is full!
Searching for saved game... Not found. Restaring game...
Let's play tic-tac-toe instead, I'll be X...
Coffee missing. Insert cup and press any key.
Loading sprite #546859467... Please wait...
Oh my God!
Clicking the mouse will not make the game load faster!
Looting your fridge...
Cut the strings and fly away...
GETRANDOMNUMBER: RETURN 4; // Chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random (http://www.xkcd.com/221/)
Funny bugreport #19910: A dagger is called 'Dirk'. (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
Knowledge is a weapon... I intend to be formidably armed.
Cannot translate silly message into english...
Downloading new silly messages...
Blame Canada!
I can't get no... Bug infection...
Press Ctrl + Alt + F4 now for an IQ test.
Press any key to continue or other key to quit...
Guessing user age... Setting Blood level to Toddler!
Is this a sword in your hand? No it's just a carrot...
We apologize for the fault in the loading screen. The responsible parties have been sacked.
Scanning mail folder... Empty... Not even spam mail!
I am a cute computer... Really!
When you are leaving, please close the door behind you.
There is no gas for the chainsaw!
Idea for a messagebox: 'This frame was properly rendered'
I wish I had a tent with a behaviour...
Equipping armor
You did not call in sick just to play this game, now did you?
Oh, you again?
If you're gonna ride, ride in style!
Reanimating dead monsters...
Canceling your wedding - you're note suited for each other...
Wait, your seraphim just broke a fingernail! Call an ambulance!
This line intentionally left blank.
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer.
The way to the hidden Mordor area is in the seraphim library. (Заведомо ложная пасхалка из первой части Sacred)
Yellow wizard is about to die.
As a Computer I find your faith in Technology.......Amusing.
Wrong CD Key...This game will now be locked on this computer for ever.
Belial's minions grow stronger.
Your computer is your friend....Trust the Computer...
Wasting some time...
Counting to Infinity......Please wait...
Removing your equipment...
This is not a drill. This is the Apocalypse. Please stay calm and exit the building.
Why can't you name a planet 'Bob'?
Tuning guitars for Blind Guardian... sh*t, broke a string...
Its not a bug but a feature.
Don't waste your time looking at the boobs, just hit the frigging monster!
Video ram too small, switching to grid display...
I'm here to lead, not to bleed!
Don't create multiple posting, use the edit button!
Only sissy coders need to optimize their code!
Life? Don't talk to me about life!
Funny bugreport #7753: A highelf who is playing with the ball is needed... (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
Today's special: 2 for 1 at the Dragons' breath in.
Press Alt+F4 for secret weapon.
War... War never changes...
The llama isn't real.
If you don't stop staring at this message, I'll stop loading!
Loading 3D buffer... Not that one!
Character modeling error - Do you mind bearded Seraphims?
I've calculated your chance of survival, but I don't think you'll like it.
Shuffling main quest parts...
No more heroes available. Do you want to play as a monster? (Y/N)
Bacon is my favourite vegetable...
Funny bugreport #18892: There is a NPC in the furniture! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
Corrupting random blocks of memory...
Do you really want to start the game? Really? Are you really sure?
Press F for fast loading now... Skipped. Proceeding with slow loading...
Generating 100 boss monster at starting location...
No flash photography allowed in Ancaria!
Pausing game until you finish your chores...
Gaming is about killing time, not killing people...
Ordering pizza online... I hope you like anchovies with pineapple!
Entering Zion...
Stumbling over cables... *WHAM*... Done.
Raytracing sunbeams...
Reassembling mobs...
Loading more blood and gore...
Insert Disc5... Oh, you don't have a Disc5? Ok, filling harddisc with garbage...
Wasting energy, please wait...
Loading hieroglyph font... Translating all texts into ancient egyptian...
Turn around, I'm behind you!
No, I don't know where Xardas is. Try somewhere else!
Connecting server... Complete. Redirecting character to hardcore PvP arena...
Overclocking CPU: 3,0GHz...3,2GHz...3,6GHz... OOPS, I broke your CPU!
The Llama is a lie!
Funny bugreport #14523: Quest is not finishable! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, just pray it's not a train.
Would you like some salt for your easter egg?
Please do not feed the dragons!
One spatula to flip them all...
Back again? Ha, you don't learn, do you?
Your hero does not need food, but you do!
Access denied - NAH NAH NA NAH NAH!
There is no spoon!
Chief Justice says 'Sacred2 rulez!'
Not now! Can't you see I'm busy? Play something else.
We are about to find out if you are a worthy adversary...
You won't get this package if you can not ID yoursself!
Use the mouse, Luke!
Would you like to play a game of... world domination?
Hail to the king baby...
Insert coin to continue...
This may take a while, get yourself some coffee...
Uplink to ISS estabilished, downloading weather forecast...
How can this task be delayed when i haven't even started working on it?
Supplying merchants with useless junk...
Press play on tape!
Where's my wand?
If the game does not start in five minutes... wait longer!
Randomizing constants...
Funny bugreport #22650: No sound while PC is burning! (Это один из настоящих баг-репортов из альфа/бета версии?)
Due to lack of system resourses, entering slide-show mode...
Thou shalt not use the equality operator with floats!
Scroll down the list and choose your favourite silly message. I'm too lazy.
There's something written about a chance but I don't trust this game...