Sacred 3


Sacred 3



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Sacred 2

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Наши проекты


Сеты Лесной Эльфийки

Araelfi's Return

Сетовые бонусы:
2 вещи - +8 Ranged Combat
3 вещи - +50 far Sight
4 вещи - +50% Damage Fire
5 вещей - +6% Chance to land a critical hit

Araelfi's Pure Misery(0/3)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Regeneration Special Move
+ Speed
+ Explosive Arrow
+ Weapon Lore
+ For attack and defense

Araelfi's Long Sight(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Endurance
+ Attack Speed
+ Attack
+ Ranged Combat
+ % Wounds increase damage dealt

Araelfi's Burning Magic

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Fire от Dexterity
+ Regeneration Special Move
+ % Chance for open wounds

Araelfi's Little Helper

+ Fire Resistance
+ % к Fire Weapon

+ Physical Regeneration
+ Multi-hit
+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Araelfi's Glorious Retribution(0/3)

+ Physical
+ Fire
+ % к Weapon Damage Fire от Dexterity против Нежити

+ Regeneration Special Move
+ To all combat arts

Eyes of Polemides

Сетовые бонусы:
3 вещи - +10 Dexterity, +2 Ranger Combat
5 вещей - +2 Explosive Arrow, Multiple Shot, Spider Arrow, Knockback Arrow, Penetrating Arrow

Polemide's Head-protector(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Fire Resistance от Dexterity
+ Physical Regeneration
+ Endurance
+ % Each hit draws life from the opponents
+ % Far Sight

Polemide's Armor(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Fire Resistance от Dexterity
+ Physical Regeneration
+ Endurance
+ % Each hit draws life from the opponents
+ % Percent to all resistances

Polemide's Bracers(0/1)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon DamageFire от Dexterity
+ Attack Speed
+ Constitution
+ % Each hit draws life from the opponents
+ For attack and defense

Polemide's Sturdy Footwear(0/1)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ Speed
+ Endurance
+ Constitution
+ % Each hit draws life from the opponents
+ For attack and defense

Polemide's Bow of terror(0/2)

+ Physical
+ Fire
+ % к Weapon Damage Fire от Dexterity

+ Weapon Lore
+ Ranged Combat
+ % Each hit draws life from the opponents
+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Israfael's Dignity

Сетовые бонусы:
3 вещи - +2 Weapon Lore, +2 Long-handled Weapons
5 вещей - +20 Strength, +10 Endurance

Israfael's Head Dressing(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Poison Resistance от Charisma

+ Mental Regeneration
+ Long-handled Weapons
+ Agility

+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Mental Regeneration
+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Israfael's Embrace(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Poison Resistance от Charisma

+ Regeneration Spells
+ Mental Regeneration
+ Weapon Lore

+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Mental Regeneration
+ % Chance of finding special items

Israfael's Leadership Bracers(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Poison Resistance от Charisma

+ Attack Speed
+ Mental Regeneration
+ Charisma
+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Israfael's Greave Dressing(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Poison Resistance от Charisma

+ Speed
+ Long-handled Weapons
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от mental Regenerartion
+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Israfael's Wraith(0/3)

+ Physical
+ % к Weapon Damage Physical от Strength против Нежити

+ Magic
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Mental Regeneration

+ Attack Speed
+ Long-handled Weapons
+ Mental Regeneration

+ % Chance to land a critical hit

Oktanion's Alteration

Сетовые бонусы:
2 вещи - +3 Magic Lore
4 вещей - +5 Mental Regeneration, +2 Moon Magic
6 вещей - +2 To all magic spells

Oktanion's Sight(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ % к Physical Resistance от Dexterity

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ Physical Regeneration
+ Ranged Combat
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ % Chance of finding special items
+ % Increased light radius

Oktanion's Armor(0/3)

+ Physical Resistance
+ % к Physical Resistance от Dexterity

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ Strength
+ Ranged Combat
+ % Chance of finding special items
+ For attack and defense

Oktanion's Belt(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ % к Physical Resistance от Dexterity

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ Strength
+ Physical Regenertion
+ Ranged Combat
+ % Chance of finding special items

+ % Percent to all resistances

Oktanion's Legs(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ % к Physical Resistance от Dexterity

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ Speed
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ Strength
+ Ranged Combat
+ % Chance of finding special items
+ For attack and defense

Oktanion's Arms(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ % к Physical Resistance от Dexterity

+ Fire Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity
+ Attack Speed
+ Concentartion
+ % Chance of finding special items
+ % Experience gained from monsters

Oktanion's Rage(0/4)

+ Physical

+ Magic
+ % к Weapon Damage Magic от Dexterity

+ Attack Speed
+ Concentartion
+ % к Attack от Dexterity
+ % Experience gained from monsters

Xrystal's Gossamer Wings

Сетовые бонусы:
3 вещи - Parrying +7
4 вещей - vs Ranged Fighters 50%
5 вещей - 40% Damage Poison
6 вещей - Survival Bonus +10%

Xsrystal's Feathered Hood(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ Dexterity
+ % Poison Weapon
+ % к Attack
+ Weapon Lore

+ % Experience gained from monsters

Xsrystal's Plumage(0/3)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ Regeneration Spells
+ Thorn Bush
+ Poisoned Tendrills
+ Magic Lore

+ For Attack and Defense

Xsrystal's Ornate Buckler(0/2)

+ Physical Resistance
+ Magic Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Defense от Dexterity
+ Attack Speed
+ Call of the Ancestors
+ Quick As Flash

+ For Attack and Defense

Xsrystal's Precious Jewelry

+ Poison
+ % Poison Weapon

+ % Attack Speed
+ Dexterity

+ % Wounds increase damage dealth

Xsrystal's Stalwart Protector

+ Fire Resistance
+ Poison Resistance
+ % к Weapon Damage Poison от Dexterity
+ Magic Lore
+ Sword Lore

+ % Percent to All Resistances

Xsrystal's Piercing Tip(0/2)

+ Physical
+ Poison
+ % к Weapon Damage Poison от Dexterity
+ % к Attack
+ Hard Hit
+ Attack

+ % Chance for open wounds

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Другие игры

Sacred 3

Sacred 3 PC Box

Купить Sacred 3!

 · Разработчик:
  Deep Silver /
            Keen Games
 · Локализатор:
 · Дата выхода:
  - 1.08.2014 г.

Sacred 2
Ice & Blood
 · Разработчик:
  Studio II (Ascaron)
 · Локализатор:
 · Дата выхода:
  - 28 августа 2009 г.
 · Локализация:
  - 22 сентября 2009 г.
 · Заказ:
  - Скачать аддон

Sacred 2
Fallen Angel
(на консолях)
 · Издатель в РФ:
  Новый диск
 · Дата выхода:
  - 29 мая 2009 г.
 · В России и СНГ:
  - 16 июля 2009 г.



- Минимум 2 символа

Какая часть Sacred понравилась вам больше всего?

Sacred 1
Sacred 1: Underworld
Sacred 2
Sacred 2: Ice&Blood
Sacred 3
Sacred Citadel

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